Cat Grooming

Cat Grooming

1 Free Gift

(With Request) to

New Customers' Only!

with Complete Bath & Hair Cut.  Values to $20

Ends June 31th, 2025

Nail Clipping

As long as the cat is predominantly gentle, we can usually clip a cats nails for $15 cash with no problem.

Bathing & Hair Clipping Services

Generally speaking, a groomer who can clip and bathe dogs is capable of grooming cats. However, many groomers have decided that it is not worth the risk of injuring them or the cats. Lucky 3 Dog & Cat Grooming is one of the few pet grooming shops that still offer cat clipping and bathing services. And we are good at it!

It's important to realize that just because a cat has a gentle disposition does not mean he will be clipped safely by all groomers. Many customers have been bringing their cats to us for years and when they watch us clipping, they recognize our skills and often believe we were their best choice. 

If your cat is over 4 months old and has never had a bath or hair cut, we need to have an honest answer from cat owners. Do you think the cat would panic or try to bite? Cats can not be controlled as easily as dogs. 

If a pet owner tells us the cat is gentle, we have to believe he is honest and knows the cat's behavior, and we will attempt to groom the cat. However, if the animal becomes difficult midway through the grooming, the owner will have to help control him. So if the owner thinks this will be the case, he should get sedatives ahead of time.

You can determine if your cat needs sedatives by considering whether it hisses, shows signs of aggression, or becomes scared, panicky, and difficult to control when you are handling, traveling, or going to the veterinarian with him.

When grooming a cat the first time, we usually require that owners stay with their cats while they are being clipped. For bathing, we start the process while the owner is on the property. Once we know the animal is safe to handle, we will allow pet owners to leave. 

We can handle most cats safely. We have a number of cats who tolerate grooming well, and the owners do not have to get sedatives. However, if cats are difficult or aggressive, pet owners will need to get sedatives from the veterinarian, at a cost of about $1 per pill. But remember, the veterinarian may want to examine the cat before prescribing the tranquilizer.

Grooming a cat requires a great deal of safety, risk, skill level, and special accommodations. We must be prepared to start grooming cats on arrival, especially new ones, since owners may be required to stay, or we want to see how the cat will react to grooming.

Generally, We Command the Following Fees

Bathing, nail clipping, ear cleaning, and brushing start at $70 (longhaired cat charges are extra for additional labor for blow drying and combing), plus extra for dematting.

Cutting the nails and clipping the fur start at $100, and with a bath, prices start at $120. The cost could be higher if services are more complex. you will need to pay cash in advance for any cat grooming service. However, if the cat is too difficult to handle we will refund all money except for the $15 for nail clipping if only that service was provided. 

We enjoy and want to continue grooming cats and many pet owners are appreciative and delightful; however, we don't want to wind up with serious injuries requiring hospital care or becoming disabled due to cat grooming.

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